Kirtan - Wokshop - Sound healing
Would you like to organize a kirtan, a meditation workshop or a sound bath at your home, studio, retreat or festival?
Śraddhā is available to share this wonderful medicine of mantras and sounds. It is possible to organize a kirtan, a workshop, individual sound treatments or sound baths for your studio, during your yoga retreats or at your festival.
Private Kirtan
Whether it's for your birthday or inaugurating a space, Śraddhā travels with or without musicians to share this medicine with you.
Yoga-meditation retreat
Śraddhā is available to offer kirtans, meditation workshops, sound treatments or other during your retreats.
Kirtan at yoga studio or festival
You have been wanting to organize a kirtan at your space for a long time, contact us and we will be happy to plan this event according to your specific needs.
Group or individual sound bath
Group or individual sessions are possible. Please contact us for prices, availability.